Sample Excerpts from Trifold Brochure for:

Rita Bostick – Family Counselor


Cover Headline/Subhead: 


Peaceful Families, Happy Families


Isn’t it time for some good days?



Inside Folded-in Flap Copy:


Imagine a family where…


·        Everyone truly enjoys being together…


·        Parents feel successful and competent in their parenting… 


·        Parents and children have a warm and connected relationship…


·        Parents are in charge…


·        Parents stay calm yet firm when children misbehave…


·        Children do what they’re asked when they’re asked… 


·        Parents and children genuinely like each other…


·        Your child’s future looks bright and promising…




Inside Spread: Left Panel Copy




Chronic misbehavior


Constant excruciating tension

Low family cohesion

Overreaction on all sides

Lack of respect


Sound familiar?  

These are signs of a family in trouble. They can drain the joy and fulfillment out of parenting (and the fun out of being a kid). Life feels out of control – for everyone. You wonder if you dare hope for better days… 


The good news?


Families like yours with problems like these are getting better every day. They’re rediscovering the warmth, connection, and mutual respect that have eluded them for so long. Dark, difficult, and stressful days are giving way to brighter, happier sunnier ones.


I’m Rita Bostick, a licensed therapist, parent educator, and parent for 25 years. Parenting can be a challenge. We aren’t born knowing how to do it, children don’t come with instructions, and there’s no one right way to go about it. But with your understanding of your child’s behavior and how it affects you, and my knowledge, training and experience in promoting good behavior (and managing the difficult kind), together, we’ll help you find the family peace you dream of…



The First Step

It’s simple: when families are functioning well, children are more confident and have fewer problems. And that’s good for them, their families, and the community as a whole.


A happy, healthy family may seem out of reach right now, but it’s closer than you think. In the work we do, it’s not at all uncommon for parents to see significant changes in a matter of weeks – or even days! Call me and we’ll work together to make it happen.


Isn’t it time for some good days?


Rita Bostick, Licensed Family Therapist 

Tri-Fold Brochure


Peter Bowerman
3713 Stonewall Circle
Atlanta, GA 30339



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