Sample Excerpt: Marketing Brochure for Data Capture International, Inc. (DCI)

(Automated data capture technology for clinical drug trials)


Cover Headline:


(DCI logo) The Next Generation of Data Capture



Inside left panel headline/body copy: 

The Present

Tick, tock…The laboratory technician manually collects the clinical trial’s source data (tick), after which a fellow staff member verifies the handwritten data (tock). Again, manually (tick, tock), the data is transferred from the source document to the Case Report Form (CRF). And, yet again, a separate staff member reviews each handwritten entry on the CRF (tick, tock, tick). Now four steps later, the CRF data is transferred, keystroke by keystroke (type, type, tick, tock), into the electronic database. And verification, once more, by another staff member (tick, tock, tick, tock). Finally, the study report is prepared from the dataset.


Seven steps, seven opportunities for error, seven chances for compromised data quality, multiple staff members and lots and lots of tick, tock…


This is the current state of clinical data collection for Phase I clinical trials. Until now…



Inside right panel headline/body copy: 


The Other Present


Redefining Electronic Data Capture (EDC)

Using a handheld scanner, programmed with the clinical trial’s complete protocol, the laboratory technician scans bar code labels, capturing all relevant data – instantly and error-free. Period.


We think this is a better way… 

Data Collection…Minus the “Collection”
Introducing SureLynxâ from DCI – creator, developer, and marketer of flexible, user-friendly automated EDC systems for pharmaceutical product development. And with a focus on data capture for Phase I clinical trials.

SureLynx is a powerful combination of proprietary software, bar code technology, and wireless radio-frequency transmission (802.11b standards-compliant) merged with approved clinical trial methodologies. It all adds up to a superior product and process that drive faster regulatory submission and reduced time to product approval.


And isn’t that the point?


Main spread headline/copy:  

Better, Faster, More Accurate.

A Superior Way to Collect Phase I Clinical Trial Data.

AND…Expedite the Drug Approval Process.


The Paradox

While cutting-edge technology pervades most aspects of pharmaceutical product development, the process of data collection in clinical trials – manual and paper-based – plods along in a relative stone age. In the recent past, fewer than 15% of Phase II/III clinical trials used EDC and the numbers are even worse for Phase I. Why?


Unfamiliarity Breeds Irrelevancy
Well, no one likes change and the pharmaceutical industry is no exception. More importantly, the prevailing technology has been designed primarily by “techies” with no background in, and little understanding of, the clinical data collection environment. The result? A solution neither user-friendly nor appropriate to the task.  


We’ve Been There

Then there’s DCI. The company with the crucial “insider” perspective. Our people have spent decades on the clinical data collection side. We understand what works, what doesn’t, what industry practitioners want, need, like, don’t like, and most importantly, how to use the technology to make their lives easier. And SureLynx is the answer.


The Bottom Line

Easier-to-use technology. Superior data quality. Dramatically enhanced efficiencies.


After all, technology is supposed to make our lives easier, right?



DCI (Data Capture International, Inc.)

(Technology for Pharma Product Development)

Marketing Brochure



Peter Bowerman
3713 Stonewall Circle
Atlanta, GA 30339



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